Do you love Rattray Marsh? Or are you looking to get outside and spend
some time in nature? Come join us at our upcoming Uproot Uprise
Community Stewardship events. The plan is to tackle some invasive
species that hinder the growth of our native plants. If you like
trillium and trout lily's this event is for you. If you don't know what
a trillium or trout lily is this is your chance to learn.
We have one event in May and another in June. We'd love to see you there!!
Event Details:
Saturday, May 13, 9 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Saturday, June 10, 9 A.M. - 12 P.M.
*Meet at the bottom of the Bexhill Road entrance.
For more information:
Adam Wilford
(905) 670-1615 ext. 441 or