Clarkson Public School Council is pleased to bring you an opportunity to purchase your flowers for spring planting while supporting our school! The plants are high quality (we buy direct from the greenhouse), and our prices are competitive. All flowers must be pre-ordered, by Monday, April 29 at the latest.
Flower orders will be available at the school for pick-up on Friday May 24th from 3-4pm and 6-7pm.
Submit your completed order form with payment by cash (exact change please!) or cheque (payable to Clarkson P.S.) by Thursday April 25th. Order forms and payment can be dropped off at the school's office during regular school hours (or sent in your child's mailbag). To see photos of the flowers, and to print out order forms, please visit the link below;
You can also send in a donation of any amount to support fundraising initiatives. Please make cheque payable to;
Clarkson Public School $_______________________
(As this is not a charitable donation, no tax receipts can be provided).
If you have any questions please contact Stef R. at 905-916-3116.
Thank you for supporting our school!

Welcome to the Meadow Wood Rattray Ratepayers Association! We are a very active ratepayers association here in Ward 2, Mississauga. This organization is made up of members of the community who volunteer their time and talents to keep other community members informed about important issues, act as the voice of our community with local governments and industry, and build on this amazing sense of community we have in our little pocket of Mississauga! You can contact us at