Hello neighbours!
The MWRRA directors are planning for our Annual General Meeting which will be held in April. We always strive to line up speakers/discussions that address areas of interest to our residents.
The best part of this new site is that it's interactive! You can comment on each post... so take a minute and let us know what you would like to hear about at this year's AGM.
At the end of every post on this site, you will see an area where you can click to add a comment (just like on the picture below). Simply click on "comment" and join the conversation!

Welcome to the Meadow Wood Rattray Ratepayers Association! We are a very active ratepayers association here in Ward 2, Mississauga. This organization is made up of members of the community who volunteer their time and talents to keep other community members informed about important issues, act as the voice of our community with local governments and industry, and build on this amazing sense of community we have in our little pocket of Mississauga! You can contact us at MWRRAnews@gmail.com